Monday 10 August 2009

change will come oh change will come i will never believe in anything again.

i never realised it but a simple change in your life, like usuing a different brand of toilet roll, can have a huge effect on you.
if you have gotten used to a particular way of living, when it changes, even in a tiny subtle way, it throws your well-ordered routine into turmoil.
like swapping your old fridge for a new one with a diferent kind of handle, or updating your computers to windows vista.
imagine the effect of a person who has lived with you for your entire life, clothed you, fed you, reprimanded you and supported you, who disappears from your home entirely.
imagine leaving home for the first time and supporting yourself and living alone amoung your filtered possesions that previously seemed vast and now fit into one cuboard and a chest of drawers.
i get weirded out when we stop using a particular brand of apple juice for gods sake!
september is going to be so incredibly scary and exciting at the same time.
i just can't fit it into my brain. it's like The Big Bang, or martyrdom.
i just cannot imagine what it will be like to NOT live where i have lived for the past 18 years.

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